Photo of Prosper Portland Grant Award Winning Director Mischa Webly, scheduled to attend and present at the February Indie Film Series Screening at McMenamin's Kennedy School on February 6th. Doors open at 6pm.

Support independent voices!

Experience the pulse of independent cinema right here. Our platform champions unique, powerful voices from the most creative corners of filmmaking, showcasing stories that resonate and provoke thought.

indie film series

Advocates of diverse narratives, we invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and dialogue. Support independent voices and become part of a community that values storytelling.

Don't miss our special screening event: "Black Stories" presented by Oregon Film, at McMenamins Kennedy School this February. Explore the lineup and secure your tickets now. Connect, engage, and be moved by cinema that matters.

Don’t miss our special screening event: “Black Stories” presented by Oregon Film, at McMenamins Kennedy School this February. Explore the lineup and secure your tickets now. Connect, engage, and be moved by cinema that matters.

Supporting Independent Voices

Join us in a journey where your involvement shapes a world of diverse, compelling narratives. Your engagement, whether through creative expression, attentive viewership, or generous support, is the cornerstone of our indie film community. Together, we’re not just part of the indie film scene; we’re nurturing its growth and vibrancy.

Innovative Storytelling:

Discover stories that break the mold and ignite the imagination.

Diverse Perspectives

Explore films that offer a kaleidoscope of views, enriching our understanding and empathy.

Community Engagement:

Connect in a space where dialogue, passion, and collaboration flourish.

Educational Opportunities

Expand your skills and knowledge in a community committed to learning and growth.

Philanthropic Impact

Make a difference through support that empowers voices, fosters creativity, and brings impactful stories to the forefront.

Artistic Integrity

Champion authenticity and support a platform where visions are realized without compromise.

Showcase of Excellence

Enjoy a selection of films recognized for their craft, storytelling, and ability to captivate.

Sustainability of the Arts

Contribute to a future where independent cinema thrives, ensuring a rich and diverse cultural narrative

Creative Collaboration

Foster partnerships and co-creations, where filmmakers, artists, and visionaries come together to push the boundaries of independent cinema and craft extraordinary cinematic experiences.

An array of resources

By offering these resources, our organization not only supports the practical needs of indie filmmakers but also contributes to a thriving, dynamic independent film community in Portland, Oregon and beyond.

Networking Opportunities

  • Connect with industry professionals, distributors, and fellow filmmakers.
  • Engage in co-creations and partnerships.
  • Showcase your projects.
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

Educational Workshops and Seminars

  • Sessions on scriptwriting, directing, production, and post-production.
  • Marketing, distribution, and audience engagement strategies.

“Filmmaking is the ultimate team sport.”

Photo of Michael Keaton from Wikipedia.

Michael Keaton

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